IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott in The Washington Examiner: Tulsi Gabbard is the right person to lead the intelligence community

January 29, 2025

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the Washington Examiner highlighting his full support for President Trump’s nominee for Director of National Intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, ahead of her confirmation hearing in the Senate Intelligence Committee tomorrow. As Democrats attempt to stall the confirmation of President Trump’s team and undermine the American people, Senator Scott is doing everything he can to get President Trump’s nominees in place and working to Make America Great Again.


In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “President Donald Trump was elected with a mandate to deliver bold change in Washington, and his choice of former Rep. and Lt. Col. Tulsi Gabbard to be the director of national intelligence does just that.


After four years of former President Joe Biden’s appeasement toward the world’s most evil and dangerous dictators and failed policy that weakened America’s standing on the world stage, the United States today faces historically severe threats from around the globe. Former FBI Director Christopher Wray even admitted that terrorist threats were elevated under the Biden administration.



Thankfully, the Trump administration is bringing this weakness to an end, and Gabbard will help make that happen. I completely support her nomination and will vote to confirm her as the next director of national intelligence because she loves our country and has spent decades serving and protecting it.


I’ve met with Gabbard and discussed her goals as director of national intelligence. She believes in the ideals we were founded on, loves her fellow citizens, and will do what’s needed to protect our national security while upholding the rights of U.S. citizens.


Gabbard believes that we must restore trust in our government, stop spying on our own citizens like the Biden administration did, and use the intelligence community to make America great again by keeping America safe.



Importantly, she knows that failure in our intelligence agencies is a failure to keep Americans safe.



I’ve worked as governor and senator to make critical changes to ensure effective communication on local, state and federal levels, but there’s so much more work to do. I trust that Gabbard possesses the leadership skills and experience necessary to address these challenges and make the changes so desperately needed to put the U.S. intelligence community back in its rightful place: respected by our allies, feared by our enemies, and trusted by Americans.


She has put her life on the line in service to our nation, proudly represented her constituents as a member of Congress, and is ready to continue her service as director of national intelligence…”


Read the full op-ed in the Washington Examiner HERE.

