Sen. Rick Scott Sends Open Letter to University Presidents: You Have a Responsibility to Root Out Evil Antisemitism on Your Campuses

May 21, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Scott wrote an open letter to the presidents of U.S. universities following the series of antisemitic events and violence on college and university campuses across the country. Senator Scott has been very clear that what happened on American campuses recently is not only unacceptable, but universities have a responsibility to root out the evil antisemitism and protect their students at all times. Senator Scott is committed to doing everything in his power to ensure that institutions that allow this lawless and hateful activity are fully investigated and held accountable for any violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and is fighting to rescind every last cent of taxpayer funding of any institution that condones this antisemitism by passing the Stop Antisemitism on College Campuses Act.


Read the full letter HERE or below.


Dear President:


I am writing with profound concern after the series of events we saw unfold at college and university campuses in recent weeks. Many of these institutions and their leadership made administrative decisions that failed to avert, mitigate or stop unlawful demonstrations and encampments on campuses. Worse, many failed to take appropriate action to ensure the safety of Jewish students who faced the risk of horrific antisemitic verbal and physical attacks. This failure cannot happen again.


The recent escalation in antisemitic rhetoric and actions on college campuses that we saw surpassed the right to free speech. It became a lawless display of support for terrorists and incitement of violent acts toward Israel and the Jewish people.


At Columbia University, protestors infiltrated a university building. While there, they held a janitor hostage as they shattered windows and barricaded doors and chanted “We are Hamas.”


At UCLA, thousands of anti-Israel protestors disobeyed orders to leave, leading to violent clashes and a Jewish student beat unconscious.


Protestors trespassed on university property at Portland State University, Dartmouth College, Fordham and MIT—disrupting campus life and threatening Jewish students.


Hamas signage and propaganda have been spotted at Stanford, as well as Palestinian flags flown[i] proudly in place of American flags at George Washington University and other schools.


Harvard University and Northwestern University acquiesced to the demands of their own pro-terror mob of demonstrators, while Brown University considered divestment from the State of Israel and aligns with the terrorists who seek to destroy it.


As the leader of your university, you must recognize that if you condone the lawlessness and chaos of pro-Hamas demonstrators on your campus, with full knowledge that it threatens the safety and well-being of Jewish students, you are endorsing it. Those who failed to take action against violent encroachments emboldened radical activists to continue or escalate their use of force and intimidation to get their way.


I write today to be very clear that what we witnessed on campuses recently is not only unacceptable, but I implore you to root out the evil antisemitism permeating your campus. I am committed to doing everything in my power to ensure that institutions that allow this lawless and hateful activity are fully investigated and held accountable for any violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I’ll also continue my fight to rescind every last cent of taxpayer funding of any institution that condones this antisemitism through the Stop Antisemitism on College Campuses Act.


As the summer semesters begin, it is imperative you take decisive action to ensure that your campus is safe for all students. You can help restore trust in your institution and reaffirm the values that universities and the United States should uphold.


Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.





Senator Scott has been adamant about protecting students at American colleges and universities who continue to be threatened by terrorist sympathizers calling for the eradication of Jewish people and the destruction of Israel. Senator Scott is fighting to pass his and Senator Tim Scott’s Stop Antisemitism on College Campuses Act. This bill would rescind federal education funding for colleges and universities that peddle antisemitism or authorize, fund or facilitate events that promote violent antisemitism. 


Additionally, Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Bob Casey and Tim Scott to introduce the Antisemitism Awareness Act. The bill will help address antisemitic sentiment and action on college campuses—which has been rising across the nation for years and spiked in the wake of Hamas’ terrorist attack on October 7, 2023—by requiring the U.S. Department of Education to consider the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism when enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws. Read more HERE.


Read more regarding every action and statement Sen. Scott has done in support of Israel following the October 7th Iran-backed Hamas terrorist attack:

